• FKM (kopolimeras) fluoroelastomero gum-26
  • FKM peroksido gydymas turi gerą atsparumą vandens garams.The watch band made of Peroxide grade FKM has a dense and excellent texture, soft, skin-friendly, anti-sensitive, stain-resistant, comfortable and durable to wear, but also can be prepared in a variety of popular colors.Except this, Jis taip pat gali būti naudojamas tam tikruose specialiuose „Colths“ ir kitose programose gaminti.

  • FKM peroksido gydymas turi gerą atsparumą vandens garams.The watch band made of Peroxide grade FKM has a dense and excellent texture, soft, skin-friendly, anti-sensitive, stain-resistant, comfortable and durable to wear, but also can be prepared in a variety of popular colors.Except this, Jis taip pat gali būti naudojamas tam tikruose specialiuose „Colths“ ir kitose programose gaminti.

  • Fluoroelastomeras FKM Terpolimero „Gum-246“ serija yra vinylidenefluorido, tetrafluoretileno ir heksafluoropropileno terpolimerų terpolimeras. Kadangi jo didelė fluoro kiekis yra didelis. for a long time, in 320℃ for a short time.The property of antil oil and anti acid is better than FKM-26, resistance of FKM246 to oil, ozone, radiation, electricity and flamer is similar with FKM26.

  • Žemoje temperatūroje atspari FKM

    Žemoje temperatūroje atspari FKM

    Fluoroelastomeras FKM Terpolimero „Gum-246“ serija yra vinylidenefluorido, tetrafluoretileno ir heksafluoropropileno terpolimerų terpolimeras. Kadangi jo didelė fluoro kiekis yra didelis. for a long time, in 320℃ for a short time.The property of antil oil and anti acid is better than FKM-26, resistance of FKM246 to oil, ozone, radiation, electricity and flamer is similar with FKM26.

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